Theory of Gravity

Dear Madeline:

Thank you for your question.  I will do my best to keep my response as simple and straight forward as possible.  The basic postulate is outlined clearly in the paper that was attached and a more in depth description can be found in my book which is available as a download for free at

Sir Issac Newton made a very significant advance in gravity theory about 350 years ago.  He very accurately derived the equations that allow us to predict the force and behavior of gravity.  However, he personally felt he had failed at developing a complete theory of gravity because he did not discover a mechanism that explains how the force is conducted.

In 1915, Einstein completed the General Theory of Relativity which is actually an extension of Newton’s gravity theory.  In physics, Keplar theory is considered the 1st approximation, Newton is the 2nd approximation and Einstein is the 3rd approximation.  Each theory has built on the previous.  It is believed by physicists that there is a 4th approximation that has not yet been discovered that completes gravity theory.

Einstein’s primary contribution is that he now defined the force of gravity as a “bending” of space.  For some, curved space is merely the natural state of space that resides near a massive body.  However, the problem remains:  How does matter curve space?  There has to be some mechanism required to account for the “bending” of space.  Without it, gravity theory is not complete.

In mainstream physics, gravity theory says that the force is conducted by very small massless particles called gravitons.  Gravitons have not been experimentally proven and probably never will be.  Two problems- 1. their size is in the realm of the Planck unit and 2.  being without mass, how is a force conducted?  It is proven that a photon field accompanies magnetic force.  It is an extension of this observed nature that graviton theory is applied.

This is some background to help present the Dynamic Matter theory of gravity.  But first, we need one more piece of General Relativity for background.  Einstein’s gravity postulate was built on the postulate that inertial force and gravitational force are entirely equal.  What does this mean?  When you step on the accelerator pedal in your car you will be pushed back in your seat.  This is inertial force.  When you stand on the surface of the Earth you feel the force of gravity.  Einstein postulated that these two forces were equal.  Perhaps you have heard of his famous mind experiment of the man in the elevator in empty space.  If the elevator is accelerated at 9.8 meters/sec^2 then he will not know if the elevator is sitting on the surface of the Earth or it is accelerating through space.  His instruments will not indicate any difference.

THE LORENTZ TRANSFORMATION  This is key to understanding Gravity and how it could be causing a universal expansion of matter.  What the Lorentz Transformation means is that the stronger the gravitational field then the greater your mass…also the shorter your length and a longer second ticking on the clock.  For example, if you have one kilogram on the surface of the moon, it will measure one kilogram.  Note however that it will weight 1/6 of what it weighs on the surface of the Earth.  Weight and mass are two different things.  Now in Newton gravity one kilogram on the surface of the Moon will also be one kilogram on the surface of the Earth.  In Einstein’s gravity however, that one kilogram, from moving it from the weaker force of the Moon to the stronger gravitational force of the Earth will actually increase its mass a little tiny bit.  It will also make it smaller and its internal clock will be running slower.  However, this relativistic increase in mass is very significant.  It is possibly the same mechanism that could account for the perpetual ongoing increase of the mass of the Earth.  The relativistic increase in mass is a very real thing that has been proven ad infinitum.

Now we can summarize the force of gravity due to Dynamic Matter.  If all matter has a perpetual growth going on we could postulate that the “fuel” to perpetuate this growth is caused by an ongoing conversion of space to matter.  There is a significant equation in my research that says – space = Dm x mt^2.  This was derived from Newton’s law of gravity.  We know that mass and space are equal per E=mc^2.  My equation extends that to say that space is equal to matter.  Conveniently, all three – energy, space, and matter are all equal to each other and convertible to each other.

So if space is flowing inward to cause a perpetual growth of matter this does several things for us.

  1. It gives an explanation for how matter curves space. (Note:  curved space and flowing space are geometrically equivalent.)  It also extends the equivalence principle to 100% equivalency.  We know the two forces are completely equivalent.  With the Dynamic Matter postulate we can now say that the nature of their conduction is also equivalent:  they are both caused by relative motion of mass to space.
  2. If all matter is expanding with time, we then have a mechanism that explains the 10^16 kilogram per year increase in mass for the Earth. It also explains:
  3. the increasing altitude of the moon,
  4. the reason galaxies appear to be spinning too fast,
  5. why the Pioneer spacecraft are slowing down.

And many other momentum anomalies.

It is important to note that this very slow gradual increase in matter would be mostly transparent, which is why it is so difficult to detect.  Other explanations that offer more conventional processes for mass growth like atomic reactions, pair production, etc.  would not be very transparent.  The question was asked regarding Dynamic Matter, “would not the continental crust also be expanding at the same rate as the core?”  It appears that this can be explained by thermal expansion.  The Earth’s core is much hotter than the crust.  The ongoing expansion due to Dynamic Matter would be accompanied by a thermal expansion that would cause the core to expand at a faster rate than the crust and thus cause an increase in distances between the continents.

Gravity is the central to the Dynamic Matter postulate.  It is a very significant problem in physics and what all else revolves around.  While there are many applications of the Dynamic Matter postulate I suggest initial focus centers around Gravity.  Some of the applications are:

  1. Time – what is the physical mechanism behind time?
  2. Gravitational Constant. No theory to date predicts this number.  Dynamic Matter does
  3. The velocity of space in the heart of the atom
  4. The Universal Scalar field
  5. Dark Energy
  6. Dark Matter
  7. Five dimensional Kaluza Klein theory
  8. Quasars
  9. Quantum Matter
  10. Quantum gravity
  11. Variance of the speed of light with time
  12. Prehistoric life

The last two, although very intriguing to contemplate, are very low on the list of significance.

Maddy, I hope some or most of this makes sense to you.  If not, please let me know.  It is my desire to make my presentation as comprehensible as possible.


Jack Hohner

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